Six months after the great launching of the ZERO WASTE PROGRAM, we were lead to assess our work in front of this scenario, appreciated by all of us could.
We highlight just a part of it – the one accessible to all of us, as public.
At the entrance, the beautiful cloth banner has been replaced with flex ones
The pit for wet waste
after an hesitating period of masala waste pit
was assigned as incinerator
capable of deleting traces of all unwanted folders
After what it was kept as a general disposal place…
But not the only one
The premises became a all around disposing place!
Despite the efforts to minimize the use of plastics providing water dispensers and steel cups,
small water bottles found their way to the place, wasted as all could witness…
Waste management became a serious waste mismanagement!
Zero waste it is now just a board
Staff feel no restrictions to throw the tube lights at the background …
Water pipes are kept months in leaking condition – save water, save water, save water
This flop was extremely important for us to understand the main points where our work failed.
The main one was the lack of follow up.