After a long process of submission of proposal for diversion of Forest Land (DOCs infra attached) on the 25/2/2022 in-principle approval /Stage-I for establishment of Faecal Sludge Treatment Plant at forest land F.Sy. No. 1492A/1A was given with several conditions as indicated in the attached document among which

  • surrounding forest area is not utilized for dumping of waste
  • that there is no adverse impact of the project on the surrounding forest area
  • the forest land shall not be used for any purpose other than that specified in the project proposal.
  • no damage to the flora and fauna of the adjoining area shall be caused.

At the Undertaking of 15/9/2021, the President of GP states that the area is not going to be used as a waste dumping yard.

At the same date a statement by the PDO clarifies the compliance with the conditions.

Actually, none of these statements and undertakings were complied with and the forest area is being stubbornly being used as a dumping and incinerator yard.
To terminate this environmental disaster, Khushi Parisara tried several attempts – unfortunately they were full dismissed and the area remains still today a waste dumping and burning site.