- Drains used as incinerators, urinals, waste bins, sewage and faecal sludge collectors
- Burning of garbage in town by residents and traders
- Persistent excess of littering, dumping and usage of banned SUPs
- Santhe Market, Court, Smashanas, Chenma Garden, Highway, brutal display of waste
- Heavy contribution to marine litter from Vannalli, Headbunder, Shashitala waste mismanagement
- Non enforcement of Plastic & Waste Management Rules by statutory authorities
- UGD unexplainable unfinished execution
- Inexistent Sanitary Landfill
- Scavenger activity of pourakarmikas due to sewage into drains
- Non-implementation of Chart for Offices (instructed by Chief Secretary 2020)
- Absence of information on Wastes management at TMC website
- Absence of public toilets in centre of town
B – BASIC QUERIES ON CRUCIAL POINTS TO BE ADDRESSED by KUMTA TMC, grounded on the SWM Rules, 2016 and on the Karnataka Municipalities SWM Bye-laws, 2019
- Report on the performance of Councillors liable to tackle “Public health, sanitation conservancy and solid waste management.”
- List of street vendors and notification about their SWM duties
- List of bulk waste generators
- List of events service providers
- Number of nuisance Detectors and of fines applied by them
- Awareness provided on the types of Sanitary Waste items
- Door-to-Door Collection to be displayed in the website and wardly notified
- Notification of the roadmap cleaning schedule of public places, markets, parks, gardens, smashanas
- Needful detailed information on Dry Waste Collection Centre (DWCC) (current conditions, signed MoU, approval process by KSPCB
- Needful detailed information on Wet Waste Facilities (current conditions, role of APMC, approval process by KSPCB)
- Notification given to Citizens on prohibition and penalization of burning any type of Waste, at any private or public premises
- Notification given to Citizens on Ward Micro Plan
- Notification given to Citizens on the provisions of the Bye-laws on Wastes
- Details displayed to public on the Officers responsible to
- implement the duties of TMC under the Bye-laws
- address grievances & suggestions for the implementation of Bye-laws
- levy fines and penalties
- 15. Notification on the Grievance Redress Mechanism of Kumta TMC
- 16. Detailed information on TMC assets in human, digital and financial resources for outreach lifting awareness on WASTES MANAGEMENT (Solid, Liquid, Plastic, etc.) and outreach programs undertook till date
- 17. Details on information provided to citizens on disposal of diapers/sanitary pads, bulbs/tube lights, alcohol glass bottles/C&D, etc
- 18. Provide evidence on byelaws framed by TMC for managing plastic waste, C&D Waste and E-Waste.
- 19. Provide information on Ward Micro Plan for SWM
- 20. Detailed information on the process of sanitary landfill licensing
- Straightaway strictly stop
- burning of garbage
- SUPs
- scavenger activity of pourakarmikas
- Urge the constitution of Ward Committees to disrupt inertia of councillors on the waste issues at stake
- Strictly enforce Solid and Plastic Waste Management Rules
- Inspect, report and clear up the sewage discharge into drains
- Outline the end of marine litter input from Kumta beach, Vannalli, Headbunder, Shashitala
- Create public toilets at centre of town
- Provide Information and Communication (IC) on Wastes
a) Set up the number and the grievance system for Complaints, feedbacks & suggestions
b) Upload at TMC website information on Wastes and Sanitation, namely
- rules, byelaws, guidelines, Ward Micro Plan for SWM, awareness materials
- byelaws framed by TMC for managing plastic waste, C&D Waste and E-Waste
- officers/nodal officers responsible to implement TMC duties under the Byelaws (e.g., grievances & suggestions, inspection, fines & penalties, etc.)
- schedules of door-to-door collection, roadmap of public places of sweeping (e.g., markets, parks, gardens, smashanas, roads, seashore, etc.)
- Wet Waste Facilities available (current conditions, role of APMC, approval process of DWCC and Wet Waste Facilities by KSPCB)
c) Publicize the agreement with the SWM facility Operator and the status of its Approval by KSPCB
d) Publicize list of
- Street vendors and notification about their SWM duties
- Bulk waste generators and notification about their SWM duties
- Nuisance Detectors
- Implement Chart for Offices (instructed by Chief Secretary, 2020)
- Thoroughly inspect sewage discharge into drains and consistently remediate it